Waterbrook - Administration & Housing 573-242-4652
Spectrum Health Care - Clinic & Programs 573-514-7312

What this MeansThe StatsLet’s Talk

Medicaid is a key piece of the safety net in Missouri. The program, known in the state as MO HealthNet, allows lower-income Missourians to see a doctor when they are sick, get check-ups, buy medications, and go to the hospital. Having health insurance helps people maintain their health, go to work, and take care of their families.

Missouri Foundation for Health is collaborating with a wide range of partners and the state to help facilitate full and timely implementation. This includes promoting and supporting the newly eligible to enroll in Medicaid, as well as working to improve access to quality health services for the expansion population. This effort includes a targeted awareness campaign, enrollment assistance for newly eligible Missourians who are not currently connected to a primary care home, and a systems-level project to increase the availability of care for select populations. It is a priority that through this work we seek to eliminate health inequities by race/ethnicity, sexual orientation/gender identity, immigration/refugee status, and geography.

What This Means

Early in 2020, after years of studying the impacts of expansion, we made our stance official. Given the weight of evidence from other states, as well as Missouri-specific research we commissioned in 2019, we could say confidently that expanding Medicaid in Missouri just made sense. This pro-expansion position was further bolstered in 2020 by our release of the Regional Economic Models, Inc. report, which detailed numerous economic advantages to expansion. In the spring of 2020, we launched the communications campaign Makes Sense Missouri to spread the word about the many benefits of expansion. On August 4 of that year, voters from across the state made it loud and clear that they too support Medicaid expansion. 

The Stats

Now that Medicaid has expanded in the state, an estimated 275,000 additional Missourians qualify for free or low-cost health insurance through the program, but many don’t know about this change in eligibility.

Let’s Talk About Your Health Insurance Coverage Options

What help is available?

If you do not have health insurance or you need help paying for your health care, you may be eligible for coverage through Missouri’s Medicaid program, called MO HealthNet.

Who is eligible?

Eligibility for MO HealthNet depends on your income, age, health, and individual needs. You may be eligible if you are a(n):

*Senior (age 65 and older)
*Parent or caretaker with a child (under age 19)
*Child (age birth -18)
*Woman (age 18-55) with no health insurance
*Adult (age 19-64) without disabilities
*Pregnant woman (including unborn child)
*Woman (under age 65) with breast or cervical cancer
*Person with disabilities
*Blind or visually impaired adult

Visit MO HealthNet to see if you qualify for Medicaid Health Insurance today! 

Control Over Your Health Insurance Starts Here