Waterbrook - Administration & Housing 573-242-4652
Spectrum Health Care - Clinic & Programs 573-514-7312

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HIV Vaccine Awareness Day



Sexual Health

Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence.

Additionally, your sexual health requires ongoing analysis of your physical health, ongoing testing for key STDs, HIV, and Hep C, continued education, and communication with your partner(s). Visit https://spectrumhealthcare.org/programs/hiv-std-sti-testing/ for more information or to schedule your testing appointment. 

Free or Low-Cost Birth Control

BIRTH CONTROL IS LEGAL IN MISSOURI. No matter what you may have heard, birth control is legal, and you still have access to free or low-cost birth control through The Right Time’s 31 health centers around the state.

For more information click here (http://spectrumhealthcare.org/programs/birth-control/) or call 573-514-7312 or email: clinic@spectrumhealthcare.org to schedule an appointment.

Medicaid Expansion Enrollment

Visit Cover Missouri today and in a few short clicks, you can find someone to assist you gain health care coverage you need and deserve! 

Assisters are trained to answer questions about Marketplace and Medicaid and can help you choose the best healthcare plan for you, your family, or your small business. 


Serving The Entire Spectrum

  • As a new resident to MO, I am very Impressed w/Rain. Your ability to deliver services and care should be a model for other organizations to follow. Keep up the good work and please let others know what they can do to support your cause.

  • I love the people I work with there, everyone is so nice and non-judgmental and respectful. I thank you all so very much for all you do. D

  • Steve is always helpful. I call and he helps me with my problem. He has been vital in my ongoing healthcare and provides and provides me with valuable information because he truly does care.

  • My CM has always been kind, helpful, and friendly. Spectrum makes such a huge difference in my life, and I sincerely appreciate it!

  • All staff and Case Managers are A-1! I would have never made it through my health issues without them.

  • As always so thankful for the wonderful staff. Very caring and always ready to help. Thank you so much for all you do for me. I wouldn't be where I am today without your support and encouragement.

  • Ken is an awesome guy, and talks to me like I'm a close friend, and yes, I feel comfortable talking to him about my problems and he helps me solve them. Thank you for helping us.

  • JW has been absolutely outstanding. She's is nothing short of incredible and it has been encouraging, motivating, and honestly life changing working with someone with so much understanding and compassion!

  • Just a quick note to say Thank You! It's been well over a year since I've had glasses of my prescription due to no insurance and falling on hard times. This is a huge blessing and will make a huge difference in my daily living as well as my overall health. Truly Grateful!

  • I came to Spectrum Health Care at the lowest point in my life. I had no idea what to do and I truly believed that our healthcare system had failed me. After my first appointment, I felt a sense of hope as the caring people at Spectrum helped me not only with my health needs, but my housing needs as well. Thank you for giving me my life back.

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